At 6am am, Vickers entered the Kooragang Island terminal of the Port of Newcastle with a bike scaling a stacker reclaimer with a lock on and stopped all operations.
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/ztr2wXSfg7PGgGBb7 Kooragang Island NSW
Time: HAPPENING NOW – 6am start
The solo activist explained: “This act of resistance is happening on stolen, unceded Awabakal and Worimi Country. I pay my respects to First Nations people across this continent and everywhere that are resisting organised destruction.”
“Unless you’ve recently swapped your head for a pumpkin, you’ll know that humanity and the ecosystems we live with are in deep shit.”
“Australia, which I see as the entirety of our intertwined economic and political system, is unwilling to control its addiction to extracting fossil fuels and flogging them to the rest of the world. Australia is massively driving the climate crisis that we’re all having to face right now and into the foreseeable future if we don’t act now.”
“In the absence of any braking system to this runaway train towards global destruction, I am taking matters into my own hands by stopping the world’s largest supply chain export of coal from operating. We need to disrupt Australia where it hurts most. Ports represent 98% of Australia’s trade – where most of its wealth and prestige lies with the rest of the world.”
“I am one person, I can do this, imagine what could we do if you join us.”
This is part of a coordinated mobilisation in response to Australia’s facilitation of the climate and ecological crisis, and its active blocking of impactful action towards a safe climate.
Vision: https://mega.nz/folder/QLcFxLob#bCduj1eCSs46qE5luiepRA
Livestream: https://fb.watch/lkp5z110mc/
Socials links: https://linktr.ee/blockade.australia
Subscribe to media updates: https://www.blockadeaustralia.com/subscribe-to-media-updates
Interviews available.