BREAKING: Laura, who was sentenced today to 3 months in jail, has been released from custody on appeals bail, with conditions that they leave the Newcastle region within 48 hours to return on the third of September to fight their sentencing in court.

Dom and Clancey were both in court today following yesterdays actions have also been released.

In response to Laura’s sentence a coalition of human rights and legal organisations including Amnesty International and Human Rights Law Centre released a statement expressing concern about the chilling effect that this sentence could have on communities right to protest.

State repression does have an alarming effect on activists, but for many of us it only hardens our resolve and determination. Unchallenged Australia will continue it’s rampant destruction of land and unjust incarceration of people. Through co-ordinated action there is real possibly of changing this course, every act taken to challenge this system is an act of hope for a better world.

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Thank you Laura and all involved for challenging the reckless, irresponsible, selfish , dangerous actions of our governments who continue to mine and burn fossil fuels with callous disregard for life on earth.

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