Two climate activists stopped movement on two major roads in the Port of Botany this morning. Henry (20) was suspended from a tensegrity tower while Tom (23) was hanging from a monopole.
The 7m high tower, built from bamboo and rope sat blocking Simblist road, a major entry point to the container port. This stopped all trucks from accessing the area.
“If we don’t actively engage in dismantling this system, we are upholding it’s destruction of our climate”
Tom climbed a 9-metre monopole that had ropes stretching across all lanes of traffic with a banner reading “Less Placards – More Lock-ons.”
“Disrupting points of importance in this system like Port Botany is the climate resistance we require.”
“We live under this illusion that we can go and elect a new government that cares about the climate crisis and the people”
Blockade Australia took action today on the Country of the Bidjigal People. We acknowledge that all of our activities take place on the continent Bidjigal People call Kamata. We honour the Elders who came before and are with us now.