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ft: blockades of Melbourne, Brisbane and world’s largest coal port

One day. Three ports. One year since the Colo raid. Like the hydra, Blockade Australia is BACK, disrupting three major ports across the continent. The climate movement cannot be decapitated.

Music credit:

Darlin Please by

Heat Up (ft. Sleep of Oldominion) by Esoligh

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Climate reality is intentionally obscured so that this system can continue to operate without our serious opposition.

Dominant news stations ignore the crisis entirely; outlets run misinformation campaigns; only conservative climate science is published, and even this is made inaccessible; token measures of progress are quoted out of context and flaunted loudly by politicians guaranteeing that we are taking climate change seriously.

Any urgency associated with climate action is constantly being curbed.

Attempts are made to distract and placate anyone alarmed with market led fantasies, carbon credit schemes, transition propositions that promise safety yet require us to change very little about how we live our lives.

Considering the actual reality of the crisis disrupts all conventional narratives about solutions.

It is not enough to stop new coal and gas.

It is not enough to demand a carbon zero economy by some constantly shifting date in the future.

Australia’s economic and political interests are incompatible with life.

These interests extend beyond the burning and exporting of fossil fuels.

Renewable energy sources cease to be renewable when they are used unsustainably by system chasing endless economic growth.

No iteration of new energy production has ever curbed the one before it.

Most versions of a more ‘carbon conscious’ future still project expansion. They still expect us to exploit and be exploited.

To save life on this planet the fundamental priority of this system, and others like it, must shift.

There can be no more infinite growth.

There is no pathway to change within any of Australia’s institutions: real action on climate contradicts its very founding principles.

The pathway to change lies in organised collective and direct action that forces this industrialised growth machine to stop destroying the planet.

Together we can resist climate destruction.


It’s election time again and the professional con men with their fake smiles are out shaking hands and kissing babies, pretending that they haven’t been selling us all out from the moment the polls last closed.

It’s election time again and the politicians promise us the world, knowing full well they will never deliver and believing that it doesn’t matter because they won’t feel any real consequences for their actions.

They breathe easy knowing that regardless of the result, they are going to continue sailing comfortably through life on a massive parliamentary pension or as an honorary addition to a board of one of the many corporations that they faithfully served whilst in office.

It’s election time again and the media are celebrating, calling it a festival of democracy, choice and popular empowerment whilst skilfully implementing a coverage blackout on anyone that doesn’t fall into line with the establishment’s plans for continuous economic growth and never ending environmental destruction.

It’s election time and again the groups pushing for meaningful change will be hugely underrepresented in parliament whilst those working for the establishment will get more seats and power than they deserve.

It’s election time again and the public can smell the bullshit but accessing power seems impossible because the way the Australian political system functions is not taught in schools. People put their heads down, mutter about it all being corrupt, and continue clinging to a disingenuous hope that despite centuries of history indicating otherwise, a miracle might happen and the “good people” could somehow stumble into power against all odds.

The election process in Australia is an insult to our collective intelligence.

Stop begging, hoping and wasting energy trying to make change through a system designed to protect the establishment and facilitate our exploitation.


Australia is organised to protect the economic interests of big business, of the corporate and political elite. These interests are actively destroying the climate, and exploiting people’s lives and labour in the process.

Australia has a multitude of resources in its tool belt to maintain this arrangement of things:

A parliament that is inaccessible to everyday people;

An electoral system that artfully misleads people into thinking they have a say in how they are governed;

A legal system written to protect the right to pursue and accumulate private wealth;

A court system that demonstrates this fundamental priority by framing challenge to the current order as a threat to broader society that needs to be locked up;

A police force obedient only to the interests of those in power;

A media empire fixated on erasing the reality of the climate crisis, concealing those who are really responsible for it, and backing up the narratives told by the cops, the courts, and the politicians;

A conglomeration of multi-million dollar corporations profiting off operations of extraction, exploitation, military expansion that are in the pockets, ears, and beds of major decision makers, those who benefit from the processes of parliament, policy, courts, cops, and the media.

Australia does not work for us.

Australia, and other massive exploitation projects like it, are set on a trajectory of turning all the planet’s resources into cash piles for the elite. To stop them destroying it all, we have to get in the way.

None of us can continue to seek safety in the hope of changes within the current system protecting the conditions necessary for life.

Collective organised resistance lets everyday people access power.

We can respond to Australia’s organised destruction with organised resistance.
