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For the second day, the Port of Newcastle has been blocked!

Kim (33) has jumped onto a train saying, “we have to get to the root of the problem, which is the system, we need to organise ourselves differently to create economies that prioritise people’s needs.”

“It’s all connected, the genocide of first peoples, the exploitation of land and the climate crisis.”

“Whether it’s through stopping coal as we hurtle headlong into climate collapse… or showing up in solidarity for Palestine and getting in the way of corporations who are enabling genocide for their own profit… we have to get to the root of the problem. We need to organise ourselves differently to create economies that prioritise people’s needs.”

Australia, Israel, and the USA are a part of the same financial, military, and ideological system of exploitation that maintains power through extraction and military force. Power that serves only the elite at the expense of the needs of the many and the climate that sustains us all.

“The global systems that Australia supports are continuing genocides and dispossession using militarised state-sanctioned violence. I’m here to say that ordinary people without real access to decision-making power can and should intervene directly to stop the flow of resources.”

Joanne, a woman in her sixties from South Australia, joined the resistance after a close friend lost her home in a bush fire. From her vantage point, she communicated the scale of the crisis,

“These coal trains are over one kilometre long. Just imagine them coming every 15 minutes, every day, every week. Climate change is here, and we’re on a railroad to hell.”

Australia’s economic and political system is maintained through the resource flows between roads, ports and rails. It will continue to grow and profit off industries that threaten all life on earth, if we do not get organised and get in the way.

The economic and political structures on this continent were brought here and built on stolen lands. This economic system is complicit in ongoing ecocide and genocide, here and around the world.

We must use sustained, direct action to resist those systems and cultivate another way to care for the land and each other.


Two mothers, Rosie and Cat, shut down world’s biggest coal port for second time today! They are preventing all coal trains from entering or exiting by sitting on top of a coal train carriage. This is an explicit act of defiance to Australia’s continuous environmental destruction.

Rosie said: “Only we, ordinary people, can change this trajectory towards the hell on earth that’s happening right now. The structure of power that created it continues to feed the greed of the few at the expense of everything else. We must follow the path to a better world. We must disrupt the system that’s killing everything.”

This action is taking place on unceded Awabakal and Worimi country. Indigenous peoples have cared for and nurtured this land for at least 60,000 years before colonisation and continue to care for country. This continent was shaped by thoughtful techniques that prioritised life and diversity. Acknowledging this is to know that we still have potential for different ways of living in alliance with nature.

Blockade Australia are committed to mobilisations that confront the pressure points of Australia’s extractive system. Sustained action like what we are seeing today is crucial if we are to impact our current trajectory towards complete climate collapse.

Two mothers stand atop a coal carriage in opposition to the current ecocide following the port shut down by Ian earlier this morning. What more could you hope to see on a Tuesday afternoon?


On June 23, on Awabakal and Worimi land, Ian Fox (67) hang from the Kooragang Rail Bridge, grinding the Port of Newcastle – the world’s largest coal port – to a halt.

Ian was speaking out: “Australia is a colonised continent. It is a place that has destroyed and continues to destroy cultures and landscapes for profit. Looting and plunder – that is what the Australian system represents.”

We are disrupting the port because it is part of the infrastructure that enables this system of domination and destruction that’s driving all of us towards ecological and societal collapse.

It is up all of us to stand in the way of this system and demand structural change. Our survival depends on non-compliance. Act your politics!



Jacinta jumped on top of a freight train at the Port of Melbourne today, halting its import/export operations.

The Port of Brisbane, Port of Newcastle and Port of Melbourne are three pieces of infrastructure that are critical to Australia’s operations. Shutting them down halts global supply lines. These are growth-driven chains of destruction that are actively harming the climate and failing to provide the needs for any life to thrive.

This is what Jacinta had to say:

“Australia works within an extractive system that is literally killing our chances of survival. We need to reimagine a world we want to live in”.

“We do not have time to wait for the government and corporations. They are never going to do what we need to do to survive. The system is geared solely towards exponential economic growth and expansion. We can’t have exponential growth on a finite planet.”

Naomi has been granted magistrate’s bail after blocking the road into the Port of Brisbane on Wednesday.

She is in good spirits and being cradled in community after the Police tried to forcibly remove her arm from the lock-on device causing a severe tear in her finger. She stayed locked-on while they cut her out for two more hours blocking work across the port. She received finger surgery in custody and is expecting a full recovery.

She let us know, “this injury is so much less than the damage being done to ecosystems, to water, to climate, to all beings.”

“The violence that this state enacts on the climate itself will have dire consequences for all life on earth, it is because of the states threat of violence against ecosystems that we continue to take action to protect life.”

Activists who disrupt destructive projects have experienced police and human violence since the earliest days of nonviolent intervention.

Meaningful resistance is, by its nature, uncomfortable. It is also the purpose of resistance because change only comes through discomfort.

How we move through discomfort and care for each other is how we show what a different world could look like. To reconnect with each other and continue to take action is what’s needed if we are going to dismantle this system and build a world of care.

Addressing violence against each other and against our biosphere is the challenge we must all face, together.

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It’s a long way to the ground

Stealthy Ninja Grace (18) and Angus (22) the impromptu comedian ground coal export to a standstill on Tuesday night. Separated by 50km and 5 hours they live streamed their legendary acts of courage on facebook. One cheeky and one hilarious they’re both great entertainment.

Grace jumped the barbed wire fence surrounding the mountains of coal at 9pm in the worlds largest coal port and ran in to pull the breaks an enormous machine that unloads trains and loads ships. She then scaled that machine and glued their hand to a maintenance railing 5 stories high.

Angus erected a 9m metal pole in the middle of the train tracks on a narrow rail bridge at 3:30am, the pole was tensioned across all the train tracks and Angus proceeded to safely climb up the pole and livestream for 6 hours.

Muloobinba local, Angus, stopped the Hunter Valley supply line leading into the Newcastle coal port, atop a 9-metre pole in early morning darkness into sunrise this morning on Wonnarua Country. The 22-year old said:

“The Australian system is killing us. We need to fight to continue living. The luxury of a handful of people is being prioritised over the lives of every other living thing on the planet. The best way we can fight the system is by directly confronting its operations with direct actions like this. Physical action that disrupts the destructive functioning of the colonial project known as Australia is real, political power.”

Stealthy ninja, Grace (18) said:

“Engaging in direct action like this makes a clear statement that we won’t be messed around. We are doing this because it’s necessary for survival and necessary to avert mass extinction. Actions like this are for our collective survival. I act out of love for our haters, for the people rooting for us, for literally all human and nonhuman life.”

They are proud to have taken impactful action to disrupt the system that is killing us.

2 quality livestreams for the watch list:

The cheeky sneaky ^^^

The radical comedy show ^^^ (seriously hilarious)

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For a second day in a row the roads leading in and out of the Port of Brisbane have been blocked by another activist. Darsh hung from a tripod spread across the 2 in-bound lanes and was later removed by the fire brigade.

This morning, Darsh said “I stand for a community that cares for each other, that shares the wealth created by the labour of the working class instead of stealing it for the benefit of the 1%, and that uses increasing repression to enforce their structural privilege at the cost of ecological catastrophe.”

“This is an act of self-defense. I am blocking the operation of the port because the port is a central part of the system that is threatening our safety. We need to end the system that is destroying our future and this action is the beginning of that process.”

Darsh was not offered police bail when taken into the watch house. Later that afternoon in court the Magistrate decided to imprison Darsh at least until the 17th of July 2023 while he waits for his next court appearance.

It is the most vulnerable in the world who are already suffering the consequences of Australia’s heartless decisions.

A supreme court appeal of this bail decision will be heard on Monday.

Protests are planned against this police repression on Friday and Monday

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Day Two: six Blockade Australia actions to break the system that is breaking us.

We’re still here, organising resistance to Australia’s exploitation and extraction. Ordinary people can disrupt the supply chain that feeds the ‘economy’ aka the destruction of our biosphere.

The doctrine of infinite profit is killing us. We’re here for self defense.

Munro: ‘We’re digging ourselves a hole and the port is a big part of the shovel. We need to put that shovel down’.

Darsh: “It’s an act of self defense to disrupt the destruction of the ecosystems that sustain us.”

We are here for life, for earth and all her peoples.

Join us.

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