Newcastle: 2024

Two mothers, Rosie and Cat, shut down world’s biggest coal port for second time today! They are preventing all coal trains from entering or exiting by sitting on top of a coal train carriage. This is an explicit act of defiance to Australia’s continuous environmental destruction.

Rosie said: “Only we, ordinary people, can change this trajectory towards the hell on earth that’s happening right now. The structure of power that created it continues to feed the greed of the few at the expense of everything else. We must follow the path to a better world. We must disrupt the system that’s killing everything.”

This action is taking place on unceded Awabakal and Worimi country. Indigenous peoples have cared for and nurtured this land for at least 60,000 years before colonisation and continue to care for country. This continent was shaped by thoughtful techniques that prioritised life and diversity. Acknowledging this is to know that we still have potential for different ways of living in alliance with nature.

Blockade Australia are committed to mobilisations that confront the pressure points of Australia’s extractive system. Sustained action like what we are seeing today is crucial if we are to impact our current trajectory towards complete climate collapse.

Two mothers stand atop a coal carriage in opposition to the current ecocide following the port shut down by Ian earlier this morning. What more could you hope to see on a Tuesday afternoon?


On June 23, on Awabakal and Worimi land, Ian Fox (67) hang from the Kooragang Rail Bridge, grinding the Port of Newcastle – the world’s largest coal port – to a halt.

Ian was speaking out: “Australia is a colonised continent. It is a place that has destroyed and continues to destroy cultures and landscapes for profit. Looting and plunder – that is what the Australian system represents.”

We are disrupting the port because it is part of the infrastructure that enables this system of domination and destruction that’s driving all of us towards ecological and societal collapse.

It is up all of us to stand in the way of this system and demand structural change. Our survival depends on non-compliance. Act your politics!
